Investment Committee

(1) IC for GP-Sourced Deals

  • Decision-Making Authority: The investment decisions for Planetarium-sourced deals will be made by a committee consisting of JC Kim, CEO of Planetarium, Kevin, Managing Director of Solarium Investment, and one additional member. The additional member is elected annually to serve a one-year term on the investment committee.

(2) IC for DAO-Sourced Deals

  • Proposal Submission: Any member holding a certain number of tokens or NFTs (as defined in the DAO governance guidelines) can submit an investment proposal to the governance forum.

  • Voting Process: Investment proposals will simultaneously be uploaded for a governance vote, where all token holders are eligible to participate.

    • Voting Criteria: A minimum participation rate of 25% of the circulating proposal percentage is required. The passing criteria will be determined according to the DAO's whitepaper.

    • For specific voting details, please refer to the DAO whitepaper.

  • Decision-Making Authority: The investment decisions for DAO-sourced deals will be made by a committee consisting of JC, Kevin, and DAO Representative.

  • Profit Redistribution: Upon the exit of a DAO-sourced investment, participants will receive equitable rewards. The initial reward proposal will be determined by Solarium Investment, and the final structure will be approved through the DAO governance process, ensuring a transparent and community-driven decision before distribution.

Last updated